Wednesday, January 21, 2009

1. On the quiz dating abuse fact or fiction my score was really high i only answered 1 incorrect
I learned about ways I need to fix involving relationships that are not to healthy
What i agreed with in in a relationship you must have a great value of communication
What I disagreed with is

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Assignment #5

I took many quizzes on the websites and taking the quizzes lets me see how I need to improve in my relationship and in my health. I took a quiz called "How healthy is your Relationship" and another one called "How Fit Are You" these quizzes help you recognize and explain the changes I need to make in my relationship and diets

The games I played on these websites was also fun. I played one game on how to manage your money and that game helped me realize that I'm not to good at that

Monday, December 1, 2008

World Aids Day

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus
AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency
HIV is transmitted by body fluids including blood,semen,vaginal secretions, and breast milk
HIV prevention begins with avoiding behavior that will put a person at risk such as illegal drug use and sharing needles or having unprotected sex with someone who is HIV positive...this is one of the most common ways to catch the disease.
The information I learned from the fact sheets is about which race has the highest percentage of being HIV positive and which is the most common way people die from HIV which is starting from heterosexuals and transmitted around because of unprotected sex.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Assignment #2

Yesterday I read "Ask Cosmo Girl! About Guys"
I read chapters 3,8 and 9
My favorite chapter was called "Is He a Good Match...or a Bad Catch?(pages 21,24,32,45,47)
What I predicted this book would be about is about teen relationships girls asking questions about guys about how to get guys,and how you know your in a healthy relationship.My prediction was correct after I read the book.
Interesting information I learned was about the similar different relationship problems teens go through and learning how its solved by what the book suggests.
I think its important because nowadays teens and in relationships and sexually active and its important to question things that don't seem right and to get advice on it because its a must you are in a healthy relationship
Questions I have about what I learned is Do teens have the most stress and the most problems?
Other topics I'm interested in learning about is about teens being sexually active.